happy children in costumes posing for a picture

Ideas for Kids to Earn This Summer

It’s never too early to teach your children about the importance of earning and responsibly managing their money.

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Evolution of Metropolitan Commercial Space

In the first quarter of calendar year 2023, office leasing activity across the country declined 23%…

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happy woman outdoors in the desert

Explore Arizona Outdoors on a Budget

With a bit of planning and creativity, there are many ways to experience the great outdoors in Arizona without breaking the bank.

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TruWest Credit union building

TruWest Asked, Staff Answered

An employee program solicits ideas for saving money and improving member services.

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Learn How to Get Free Stuff With “Mystery Shopping”

Yes, you read that right. You can eat, shop and even stay at hotels for little to no cost.

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father teaching his two children about money management with coins

Teach Your Children to Save Money

Teaching children life lessons at a young age can be difficult, but starting early can solidify positive foundations and habits for their later years.

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smiling group of happy college graduates

Get an Early Jump on Financial Literacy

As many new graduates enter the workforce or young adults get a new job, what things should they know to help them be financially successful?

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young girl putting money into her piggy bank

Savings Tips for Preschoolers

Learning the concept of savings at an early age may seem a bit advanced, but with financial education being so important, why not start early?

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mother teaching daughter about money management with coins

Summer is the Perfect Time for Young Adults to Earn and Manage Money

Working over the summer doesn’t have to be boring. There are plenty of ways to earn some extra cash while having fun!
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businesswoman teaching another woman about financial education

Are Credit Unions Really More Accessible?

Deciding where to bank can be a daunting decision because once you set up accounts, it’s a hassle to close them and go somewhere else.

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smiling college graduate holding a pink piggy bank

4 Personal Finance Tips for College Graduates

A budget is a plan — a road map to help you track what you earn versus what you spend. Having a budget in place and sticking to it will help guide you toward financial success.

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upset woman on the phone after being scammed

SNAP Benefits: Beware of These Scams

Indeed, just like any other debit or credit cards, these cards are not immune to fraudsters. Authorities are warning Americans to be cautious and on the lookout for these scams.

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young woman smiling while working on her laptop

How to Make Smart Financial Decisions

The economic landscape is a bit volatile right now. In Phoenix, inflation has caused an 11% increase in prices on common goods and groceries from April 2021 to April 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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happy woman using tap to pay with her credit card

Protecting Your Money While Traveling

Whether you’ll be flying somewhere, taking a cruise, or planning a road trip, there are important money matters you need to consider first. For instance, plan on taking at least two credit cards in case one is lost or stolen.

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Rachel Caballero Breaks Down Budget Basics

To better understand what consumers can do now to curb household impacts of an economic downturn, the Arizona Digital Free Press reached out to Ms. Caballero. This is what she had to say:

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woman smiling and leaning back against couch

Maximizing the Power of Compounding Interest

Compound interest is a concept in saving and investing where the interest earned on an initial sum of money is reinvested and added to the original amount.

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concerned couple reviewing financial documents

How the Federal Interest Rate Hike May Impact Arizonans

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by .75%, the largest increase by the reserve in a single meeting since 1994.

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man with glasses reading over financial documents

Creative Budgeting Can Help You Fight Inflation

There are a few creative steps you can take to ensure you stay within your budget.

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smiling young blonde girl missing teeth next to her lemonade stand

Teaching Kids to Earn Over Summer Break

Working over the summer doesn’t have to be boring. There are plenty of ways children of all different ages can help earn some extra cash while having fun.

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Protecting Digital Identity

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which is a good time to take a look at what you are doing to protect your digital personal data.

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upset woman stressing over holiday debt

Avoid Holiday Debt

It is the most wonderful time of the year, but holiday expenses can trip up even the savviest shoppers and savers.

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happy father and daughter next to christmas tree looking at laptop

How To Manage Your Holiday Spending

The vast majority of holiday spending is put on credit cards every year.

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older couple smiling happily at tablet

Benefits of Business Banking

Starting a business is an exciting time that comes with a lot of to-dos.

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smiling woman putting money into her piggy bank

4 Tips to Achieve Your Financial Resolutions

What are the top tips for tackling your financial resolutions in 2023?

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Team of young and diversity volunteer worker group enjoy charitable social work outdoor in cleaning up garbage project at the mangrove forest

Donate Your Date Nights

Donating your date night can strengthen your connection, make new memories, make an impact and save money.

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Couple looking at art in gallery

Deals for the Final Days of Summer

Take advantage of the final days of summer with some of these great ideas.

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Budget-Friendly Arizona Destinations

Whether you love nature, history or just need a little R & R, there’s something for everyone in Arizona

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teenager learning about financial literacy

Teach Your Kids About Financial Literacy

Have you thought about teaching your kids about the importance of financial literacy?

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Creating a Holiday Spending Plan

With the holidays just around the corner, it’s more important than ever to create a spending plan you can stick to.

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Carve Out Savings This Halloween

These adjustments can help you carve out the savings this Halloween:

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mother and daughter going over finances

Best Money-saving Tips for 2023

A new survey showed the majority of Americans are seeing big barriers ahead, when it comes to their bank accounts.
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Resolution Pitfalls to Avoid

There needs to be a plan behind every one of your goals, or you may not be able to overcome the hurdles.

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happy woman outdoors in the desert

Fall in Love With Your Financial Institution

Amid the romantic symbols of the holiday, it’s easy to overlook the love story we share with our money.

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home blueprint plans

Do The Stuff You’ve Dreamt About With a HELOC Loan

Understanding what equity is and how to use it wisely can potentially help your finances and offer benefits.

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How To Spring Clean Your Spending

While you may only associate spring cleaning with your home, it can also be extremely useful for your finances. Enjoy five tips to spring clean your spending.

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Starting Your Life After Graduation

You’ve graduated. What now? Now is the time to decide what you want to do with all that arduous work and set yourself up for a successful career.

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